Learning About God’s Love

Kids Ministries

From Nursery through 5th Grade, we join parents to introduce scripture and begin building a spiritual foundation. Children are taught that Jesus loves them and wants to know them. As they grow, we encourage them to make friends and continue to teach scripture in a way that is fun and age appropriate. Through engaging Bible lessons and interactive activities, we make sure that Trinity on Fifth is a safe and fun place where it’s easy for them to begin to know God.

Sunday Mornings

Nursery – Our fully staffed nursery is available for infants to 3 year olds at both Sunday morning services. Babies and toddlers are simply taught that Jesus loves them. Even the youngest child will experience God through our nurture and play-based teaching.

Sunday School – Sunday School is offered for Preschool through 5th Grade during our 10:00am service. Through simple Bible lessons and interactive activities, we engage children’s interests to make sure that Trinity on Fifth is a safe and fun place where it’s easy for them to begin to know God.

Where to Check In – Coming Soon – Kids Check-In is in the Lobby.  A volunteer is available to assist you.


June 16-20

Kids ages 4 years old – 5th Grade

Kids are encouraged to dive into a friendship with God in this fun-filled week! They go deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never ending love of God!

Summer Camp

Summer 2025 Dates TBA
Hidden Acres Camp

Elementary kids ages 4th-6th Grade have the opportunity to grow in their relationship with Jesus and develop friendships with kids from other churches at camp.  Contact LeAnn for 50% discount code.

Questions? Contact LeAnnG@TrinityOnFifth.org