
Every year on the second Saturday in November we hold an event focused on missions. This event was formerly known as the Turkey Mission Dinner. This year, in order to be in line with our mission to Impact the World Together, the event is called Impact 2024.

This event raises funds through freewill donation which go to ministries outside of our church, both locally and abroad.

Impact 2024 was on Saturday, November 9 at 11:15, 4:15, & 6:15. However, it is not too late to give to Impact 2024 and make a difference in the world.

To give to Impact 2024 and make a difference in the world, Click Here.
You can also give by bringing or mailing a check, marked Impact 2024, to the church.

To watch a video of Pastor John talking about Impact 2024, Click Here.

To see a list of the ministries and missionaries around the world that were touched by last year’s event, Click Here.

Impacting the World Around Us

Outreach is part of our DNA—our heart is to impact the world beyond ourselves. We support local and international missions in bringing hope, healing, practical help, and transformation to the world around us. Our missions campaign continues to grow each year. Because of the generosity and faithfulness of our congregation, we get to do amazing things for God!

Our Impact Around The World

Over the years, God has taken what we have given and multiplied it beyond what we could have imagined both here and abroad. Because of this, we are able to support missionaries in over 20 countries as they go into all the world to spread the Gospel and make disciples.

Our Impact in Our Community

We partner with several local organizations to share the love of God and to come alongside those who are in need within our community. These efforts include our annual Mission event which fundraises  for ministries outside of Trinity on Fifth.

Want to get involved with missions?

Make a Difference Right Now!

Let’s Make a Difference! Each month we work together to impact the world.

Last month we partnered with Hope Ministries to provide shoes and socks to every man at Bethel Mission in conjunction with a foot washing ceremony they are having in April.

This month we are gathering items for Caring Hands Food Pantry.  Their current most needed items include noodles, pasta sauce, pancake mix, and syrup.  Purchase any of these items and place them on the Caring Hands table in the lobby.  Together we can make a difference!