Student Impact The World

Student Ministries

As students journey from 6th Grade to 12th Grade, we encourage them to begin taking ownership of their faith! In weekly meetings, junior high and high school students come together and have a great time making friends, worshiping together, learning more about scripture, and going deeper in small group discussion time.

Sunday Nights

Youth Group (September-April)
5:45-6:45pm in the Youth Room 6th-7th Grades
6:30-8:00pm in the Youth Room 8th-12th Grades

We guide junior high students to grow with friends as they begin to shape their identity within a safe faith community.

High school students are encouraged to go deeper and lean into God’s plan for their life as they build lifelong friendships.

Summer Games Camp

July 7-11, 2025
Grinnell College

Summer Games Camp is a great opportunity for junior high and high school students to engage and grow in their relationship with Jesus and develop friendships with other students from across the state.

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